Assessment for the students of Aeronautical Engineering, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering & Mechatronics Engineering is a process by which information is obtained relative to some known objective or goal. Assessment is a broad term that includes testing. A test is a special form of assessment. Tests are assessments made under contrived circumstances especially so that they may be administered. In other words, all tests are assessments, but not all assessments are tests. We test at the end of a lesson or unit. We assess progress at the end of a semester through testing, whether implicit or explicit, assessment is most usefully connected to some goal or objective for which the assessment is designed. A test or assessment yields information relative to an objective or goal. In that sense, we test or assess to determine whether or not an objective or goal has been obtained.


Assessment of skill attainment is rather straightforward. Either the skill exists at some acceptable level or it doesn’t. Skills are readily demonstrable. Assessment of understanding is much more difficult and complex. Skills can be practiced; understandings cannot. We can assess a person’s knowledge in a variety of ways, but there is always a leap, an inference that we make about what a person does in relation to what it signifies about what he knows. The definition of Assess means to stipulate the conditions by which the behavior specified in an objective may be ascertained. Such stipulations are usually in the form of written descriptions.




A student’s assessment can be done keeping in mind the various aspects. Each aspect contributes his grading process, giving them the equal importance from a student point of view.


The following are the various points with which assessment of a student is done. The description given hereunder will clear the fact that why the following mentioned aspects are important to be assessed. And how they contribute in grading policy is mentioned later with “POINTS OF GRADING”. Points of assessment are as follows:


Midterm Examinations are conducted after completion of every unit. Whole syllabus has been divided into three units. There are three Misterm examinations and it enables a student to go through the syllabus of all theoretical & practical subjects, which will be a great help before their semester examination. These examinations will be fully objective type examinations, and in online examination mode.


Semester end examination takes place at the end of the semester covering the entire syllabus covered during the semester. Assessment of Semester End Examination of a student is essential for his/her scrutiny of performance throughout the semester. It also analyses the fact of the eligibility criteria of student for appearing in the DGCA license examination.


Assignments are given on a midterm basis. These are the questions from the Instructor’s point of view covering the lesson plans made by the Instructor. There will be total of 3 assignments in a semester. Assessment of assignment is very vital as it makes the students learn at home, read core and elective books, in checking the presentation, the subject knowledge & other aspects of a student. These assignments will consist of Level 3 (Must do), 2 (Should do), and 1 (Could do) questions. Assignments will be assessed every midterm and accordingly average will be taken out for inclusion in semester exam.


Projects help in the technical and practical analysis of the student. Assessment of Project is essential to check the knowledge level along with the level of confidence used by the student to display his technical skills. Grading of project is given in grading policy. Student will be supposed to make at least one project for a subject per semester. If the costing for project is more (i.e. cost more than Rs.1500/-), it can be made in a group of students which should not exceed 3 students.


A student spends his most crucial time of building up of academic career in the organization. It’s of utmost concern to keep a continuous track of his/her performance throughout the semesters on educational training. Assessment of his performance is a regular procedure that takes place on a routine basis in fortnightly examination, cumulative fortnightly examination, assignments, semester-end examination projects. Based on the assessment of his performance it becomes necessary for the action to be taken for or against him. If he shows good performance he/she shall be awarded suitably, on the other hand if he/ she shows constant poor performance action is taken against him/her. The parents/guardians are informed & also warning is being given to the student to rectify & improve the performance.



A student’s assessment can be done keeping in mind the various aspects. Each aspect contributes his grading process, giving them the equal importance from a student point of view.

The following are the various points with which assessment of a student is done. The description given hereunder will clear the fact that why the following mentioned aspects are important to be assessed. And how they contribute in grading policy is mentioned later on with “POINTS OF GRADING”. Points of assessment are as follows:


There are three Midterm examination in a semester aligned with three units of the syllabus. The internal examination enables a student to go through the syllabus of all theoretical and practical subjects, which will be a great help before their semester examination.

A Mid Term Examination covers the syllabus of current and previous midterm. This helps students to revise the syllabus taught in the previous weeks of the semester. In a semester three Mid Term Examinations are conducted. Subjects in B.Tech. have different credits and accordingly question papers are designed.  




Semester Examination of theory subjects is conducted by the university after declaring the examination schedule. Every theory paper is of 70 marks. Rest of the 30 marks are for internal assessment.


Semester Practical Examination is conducted in the college on the scheduled dates given by the university. Every practical paper is of 60 marks. Rest of the 40 marks are for internal assessment. 

In addition to above theoretical and practical examinations, students are assessed for projects, seminars and discipline in every semester.

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