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SOA has got state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure for imparting quality education in the field of Aeronautical Engineering as well as Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. The combination of B.Tech and AME gives the wide scope and acceptability in the field of job employability. In B.Tech students are trained for design, analysis, reasoning, testing, certification etc., where in the AME various aspects are covered towards the maintenance of aircraft etc. The coverage of both the courses gives the wide appreciation of the subjects and their knowledge. In aeronautics it is expected to attain successes in first attempt, therefore more emphases are given to teach the students with better understanding of the subject basics along with practical and their applications.


SOA has got two F -27 aircraft, where actual familiarities to subsystem and systems are shown and demonstrated. To best of our knowledge, SOA, is the only Institute which is having such an excellent working equipments meeting all the technical recruitments. Library is kept open up to 12 o’ clock in the night facilitating teaching staff and students to use for their studies and R&D work. The special emphasis is also given to develop the students personalities and soft skill to improve and match with the job recruitments. Special care of food and hygienic conditions are taken for all the residents of schools and staff so that they should utilize maximum times constructively. The periodic counseling of all the students is organized so that they should feel comfortable and homely in the college.


Special technical tour are organized for the benefit of all the students for their state-of-the-art industrial exposure and automation and excursion trips for development of leadership, team sprit attributes, stress relieving and appreciation of beauty of God creations for drawing the motivational spirit.


Come and visit our place and probably you may like and appreciate.



Dr.Balraj Gupta

B.Tech, M.Tech and Phd in Aeronautics

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It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you at School Of Aeronautics (Neemrana).We aim to provide the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and beliefs that are essential for a productive and successful life.We give more emphases on understanding the basic  fundamentals and thier practical applications.


Choosing where to continue your education to build excellent future is a major decision and I believe that S.O.A. will be a choice you will never regret,specially if you are ambitious and determined to succeed.


At S.O.A. we value every individual in our best possible care and it is our aim to provide the best possible environment in which students can succeed.


We are fortunate to have a team of highly talented and committed teaching and support staff to ensure the best learning facility is provided to our students.


I would be pleased to meet you in School Of Aeronautics (Neemrana) at any time. We would be delited to be involved in educating your son/daughter.You “Trust Us”,we “Promise your wards Future will be Bright”.



M.Sc, B.Ed.

Maan sir


To meet  the challenges of the progressing world in the field of Aviation industry the only resource is to have the dedicated and highly qualified Aircraft Maintenance Engineers.  It is well known fact that students can learn more effectively when involved in teaching learning process.  To teach effectively is to facilitate studies.  The student choose this Institute, the School of Aeronautics because there is a conducive environment for technical and administrative reasons, a well planned course structure i.e. aesthetically built building and well furnished classrooms.


For the development of wide range of human skill and techniques for creative thinking and decision making there are facilities of Aero club, Sports club, Adventure and health club etc


After three years students get licence in B2 category i.e. in Avionics Stream, which is of atmost importance.  An individual may also hold more than one licenses.  The B2 license in Avionic Stream holder is entitled to issue certificates for the Aircraft to its release to service.  It broadly covers Aircraft Instruments System, Radio Navigation System and Electrical Systems of the Aircraft.  Inspite of all this our School is a licensed organization by EASA to conduct e-examination for various modules.


So wishing a warm welcome to all AME aspirants to School of Aeronautics (Neemrana).


Mr. B. S. Mann

MA, AME (Avionics), Diploma (Electronics) and B.Ed

SSB Trainer

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