I am proud for being an alumni of one of the best Aviation Institute of India- “School of Aeronautics “. which molded & shaped my personality and provided me the platform for Aviation Industry.
At present I am working as a A-320 Family Flight Dispatcher with Air India Delhi.
I noticed the Lecturers were nice and friendly, and surprisingly could make jokes with them. In addition to all these, participation in extracurricular activities & sports was a great fun ! I am lucky to have life time friends here yet from different parts of the country.
In December 2007 after 3 years of study, SOA gave me the platform & exposure to stand in Aviation Industry. I started my career as a trainee to work on an aircraft of a good airline like Go Air Pvt Ltd. Afterwards, I got opportunity to serve 5 star air carrier of India Kingfisher Airlines Ltd. Since after sad down fall of Kingfisher Airlines, I am working in Magnum Aviation which is a MRO for aircraft’s Wheels & Brakes and Avionics Authorized Service Centre of Honeywell. I am proud to be an alumni of this college”
Please let me know if you require anything else from my side.
Faraz Ghoury │ Executive- Technical Support│Magnum Aviation (Pvt.) Ltd.
FAA Approved Repair Station 6MGY507B
68 AC, Noida Special Economic Zone
Phase-II, Noida- 201 305 (U.P.) INDIA
Tel: +91-120-4720500 │ Fax: +91-120-4720551
To sum up in few words SOA was an exciting journey of attaining knowledge, Interaction with Knowledgeable & experienced Instructors. It’s very difficult to explain what School of Aeronautics has contributed in Shaping my Career. The Airlines which I m working today is the real outcome of SOA. School of Aeronautics brings real AVIATORS N WE AVIATORS RULE THE SKY.
Thanks & Regards,
Ranjana Gupta
6E Engg
InterGlobe Aviation Limited ( “IndiGo” ),
IGI Airport, New Delhi.
My experience in SOA ……Its really very hard to put it in few words…but let me try…. I have been associated with SOA for more than 5 years of my life. I came as a student became an Instructor in my own college. SOA transformed me from mere a student to a confident, outspoken, courageous girl who is ready to face the World!! I thank all the experienced instructors who were the building blocks in my aviation career. Hats Off to the wonderful & friendly staff who treat their students/staff as an extended family…I take pride in saying that the experience I gained from SOA has helped me land in a place where I am today….Last but not the least it gives me immense pleasure to say that I was, am & will always be a part of SOA.
Always have a Winners’ attitude : Go & Get it !!!
Thanks & Regards,
Prasanna Siddhartha
Technical Officer (QATS)